Sunday 13 December 2015

SPICE ZONE (E-Commerce Prelim Exam)



The management aims to be dedicated producers of  spices powder with the use of financial and business management practices to achieve production goals and success, preservation of the natural resource the producer monitor the operation and production of the business to create profit.
This management style is very helpful for the start of the spices powder production since it requires more of the input from the proponents through their knowledge how to manage of the business.

  •    To produce a kind of product that has a high quality, environmental friendly with an affordable price.
  •    To satisfy consumer with an affordable price.
Tag Line
  •    Spice up your day.
Target Market or Audience
  •   Our target market are households, Restaurants and other food/ cooking businesses.
  •   The firm helps the economy by means of strong competition. This is so beacause the people have a choices in buying the goods and wants of the consumer to fulfill of their satisfaction.


            The form of ownership to the business is "partnership" and one big advantage of a general partnership is that you don't have to register with your state and pay an often hefty fe, as you do to establish a corporation or limited liability company. And because a general partnership is normally a "pass through" tax entity (the partners, not the partnership, are taxed unless specially elect to be taxed like a corporation) filing income tax returns is easy. Unlike a regular corporation, there is no need to file separate tax returns for the corporate entity and its owners. But given that the business-related acts of one partner legally bind all others, it is essential that you go into business with a partner or partners you completely trust. It is also essential that you prepare a written partnership agreement establishing, among other things, each partners share of profits or losses, dat-to-day duties and what happens if one partner dies or retries.

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